Happy New Year!! 🎉

Hi, I’m glad to know that, as member, you’re interested in the activity of the Mental and Physical Coach courses by ISMCA (International Sport Mental Coach Association), the new association, recently foundend by Mr. Alberto Castellani, GPTCA President (Global Professional Tennis Coach Association), ATP coach, mental trainer and teacher at the University of physical education in Perugia.

ISMCA si ripropone di focalizzare la propria attività e studi sugli aspetti mentali e psicologici delle varie discipline sportive, in particolare del tennis agonistico, di base e professionistico.

Here the calender of the courses for the year 2019, which you can take part in.

We’ll keep you informed step by step about all the information and activities of ISMCA: we take the opportunity to wish you Season’s greeeting and an happy and peaceful 2019.

Lo Staff di ISMCA

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